We have all heard the same story that each system and service should have different passwords and they need to be strong containing upper and lower case letters as well as numbers and symbols.
That is sound advice but even the most creative person runs out of ideas to make passwords difficult to guess but easy enough to remember, that’s why password managers took off.
Password mangers meant that you could finally have super long extremely hard to guess passwords that you didn’t actually need to memorise so it was easy to have a unique password for every occasion but the problem is how do you manage the passwords inside your password manager?
What I am getting at is we all have a lot of accounts. Servers, switches, printers, phone systems, SAAS, firewalls, email, forums, banking, social media the list goes on. So how are we managing that huge list of credentials.
Equipment gets replaced, people change banks, social media accounts get neglected and closed down or you simply don’t use the product or service anymore.
So how do you manage your passwords to keep your list relevant and remove the dead wood? It seems the puzzle is almost complete.
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